Saturday 7 April 2012

Studio Saturday

Missed out on the studio yesterday, so I did a catch-up today.  I found this picture waiting for me (I had quite forgotten about it).
Arrina Study 1
 I did this on Monday, based on a sketch which I did in the little village of Arrina on Applecross.  Reviewing it today, I decided that the palette was a bit wild, the brushwork was not very interesting, and the track was a bit too straight.  But apart from that, I thought the composition was quite interesting, so worth trying again.  I went back to the thumbnail I did on Monday.

Arrina Thumbnail
Then I took a sheet of A2 paper and made a start.
Arrina Study 2 Emerging
At this point I had used ony charcoal and conte stick, along with some oil crayon and oilbar.  I thought I would add some ink (blue, red and brown).  I really wanted to get some flowing inky marks into the picture.  So soon it looked like this.
Arrina Study 2 Emerging
I was quite liking this, but wasn't altogether satisfied.  I couldn't quite decide what was dissatisfying me.  Looking at it now, it may be something to do with the juxtaposition of the cottages - perhaps the angles are not quite right.  Or maybe the colour is not working (or maybe both...sigh).  Anyway, I decided that the sky was looking altogether far too cheerful, and that I would darken it down.  So I used navy blue oil crayon and ink and it ended up looking like this.
Arrina Study 2
I think I like the mood of the picture better with the darker sky, but it is curious how darkening it down has changed the picture so much.  Maybe I'm feeling a little gloomy these days, so only a dark sky will satisfy me?
Anyway.  I had time to do a little Studio tidying.  Open Studios on Sunday 22nd April. I hope I get some visitors....

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