I wasn't in the studio on Friday (was starting to prepare a woodblock for printing at home), but I decided to have a painting day today so went into the studio. I had also done a few sketches down at Fisherrow Harbour over the weekend. So I thought I'd work up a sketch in acrylics.
I used a sketch of the harbour with the tide out - nice muddy harbour bed - in fact it was this sketch
Fisherrow Harbour Sketch copyright Aileen Grant |
I quite liked the sketch - the feeling of enclosure within the harbour and the escape route to Leith, and that thought of being trapped because the tide is out. So how to approach this? I started with charcoal and then added white, sky blue plus raw umber - acrylic paint. I thought raw umber might be a good base for the harbour wall. So my start to the picture was looking like this.
Emerging picture Fisherrow Harbour copyright Aileen Grant |
At the time I thought this was a good start, and looking at it again now, I think it does look quite good. Not too tight, not too clearly defined, a nice darkness in the harbour corners. However, I felt that the harbour wall needed more colour in it and I wanted to have a go at painting the mud. So I carried on, adding orange and blue and also some inks. Anyway, what I've ended with today is this....
Emerging picture Fisherrow Harbour copyright Aileen Grant |
Is this better or worse than my start? I'm really not sure. I feel I've lost something in taking it further. However, I like how Leith has turned out - it's quite dreamy - and I like the foreground - the stone slabs and the setts. But I'm wondering if there's too much colour now in the harbour wall. Is it too bright and sunny and cheerful when I was really wanting to convey a threatening feeling - that feeling of being trapped? So I may go back in with the raw umber and charcoal to get the feeling I want. But I've brought it home to look at in the meantime. I also did a petite version of the picture on a piece of wood. It turned out like this.
Fisherrow Harbour mini picture copyright Aileen Grant |
This picture is so small (11x16 cms) that I decided that the tide had to be in. I was doing this small picture to hand into the Gallery on the Corner on Dundas Street - they're having a charity sale and I said I would do something for them. It's supposed to be on a theme of journeys, memories or dreams, and I think this kinda works. Maybe the sky needs a little more attention. We'll see.
Overall I was not particularly happy when I left the studio today. I am doing this blog with some difficulty as I don't feel very positive. But actually now that I have reflected on my efforts, I think I can see a way forward with the pictures. Possibly....