Lochcarron and Kishorn. The sea and the hills. Rocky foregrounds which I haven't quite perfected yet. I like rocks and want to keep sketching these in order to get the right look.
And other less familiar landscapes, such as those above in Mallorca.
Then there are the trees at home and abroad. Like this Mallorcan pine tree perched on the edge at the top of the Barranc near Soller in Mallorca.
I was particularly attracted to the exotic shapes of Olive Trees in Mallorca.
But any tree with character tells me it wants to be sketched, including an old apple tree in Colonsay.
And then there are buildings, groups of buildings and structures. Like the steading at Balmacara.
Quiet lanes in Edinburgh's New Town.
The narrow streets of the Alfama in Lisbon.
And monumental buildings, such as the Belem Tower
Not forgetting the architectural details of buildings in Soller, Mallorca.

And bridges are a favourite subject, including this one nearer home at Duncraig Halt on the Kyle Line.
These are just a few of my sketches from 2018. However, it's one thing to sketch but quite another to create paintings, and I know I have to spend more time in 2019 playing with sketches and creating pictures. That's probably my resolution for 2019. Happy New Year!
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